电影 · 2024 · 西班牙 · 爱情片,爱情
When Noah fell in love with Nick, she knew their relationship would never be easy. They're fire and electricity, and when they're together, every kind of sparks fly. After last summer, Noah thought their passion had grown stronger than their fear, but her life is about to turn upside-down again now that she's starting university. Moving again while maintaining her relationship with Nick will be a difficult hurdle, with their age difference, campus life, dangerous parties, and inner demons stalking them both, reminding them of all they still don't know about each other. No matter how hard they try, there will always be wounds that won't close. Is Noah really prepared to overcome her fears and truly trust someone again? Will Nick be able to put his past behind him and keep his heart open? Or are they doomed only to burn each other's worlds down?…
解说 · 2020 · 美国 · 电影解说,惊悚
解说 · 2024 · 美国 · 电影解说,惊悚,恐怖
一位单亲母亲(哈莉·贝瑞 饰)与两个孩子生活在与世隔绝的林中小屋。她告诉孩子外面的世界已经毁灭,森林里生活着一些危险的超自然怪物,唯一可以保护他们的方法是用几根长绳子将他们与屋子紧紧连在一起。妈妈反复告诫孩子们永远不要松开绳子,但孩子们逐渐开始怀疑怪物是否真实存在,或许真正出问题的是他们的妈妈………